Three years ago, I spent my summer days on boring ass work Zoom calls talking about technology. 

This summer, I sat poolside or on the beach yapping into my coaching app, having $30K-$50K months and watching every minute of Love Island and the Olympic Games. 

And if you asked me what the most impactful thing I did to get here was?  I'd tell you this. 

I got really good at getting the eff out of my head. 

I’m gonna keep it real with you. 

The only thing holding you back from getting to your next income level... is you being in your head.  

There's BS swimming around in there telling you that you can’t do it.

Or that it’s gonna be really freaking hard.

Or that so and so is ten times better than you so everyone is gonna buy from her.

Or that you can't charge what you really wanna charge.

And you can feel it happening.  The self doubt creeping in.  The overthinking. The questioning yourself. 

You know that you're getting stuck in your head.  You just don't know how to get out. 

That ends now! 

I've developed a process that I use for myself and with my clients to get you OUT OF YOUR HEAD and it's a total effing game changer. 

And that's EXACTLY what I'm gonna share with you inside of this 3 day LIVE program! 

Inside of this program, I'm walking you through my go to methods and process to help you get out of your head so you can make way more money. 

Because helping you get out of your head is my actual super power.  And I can't freaking WAIT! 

Here's a look at just some of the things that I'm sharing in this program: 

  • How I raised my prices from $2K to $12K and stayed fully booked  
  • The mindset shifts that took me from $1K months to consistent $10K+ months 
  • The power move that blew up my business and took me to my first $50K cash month 
  • Getting to consistent $30K-$50K months- the one thing I did that made the biggest difference 
  • The exact journaling prompt that 7x'ed my monthly income 
  • My go-to method for instantly getting rid of your biggest blocks 


I don’t do fluffy mindset work.

I’m not just gonna hand you a list of *woo woo* affirmations or tell you to sit criss cross applesauce on a yoga mat playing vibey meditation music for 10 mins a day. 

I'm not gonna tell you to just "go journal on that"- cause WTF does that even mean anyway?! 

The shit we’re gonna do in here is impactful AF. It’s tangible, it’s doable, it’s powerful. And it works.

It’s a total f*cking game changer. 

This is the real work I do with my clients to help them get the eff out of their own way and make more money.

Going from $5K months to consistent $30K months. 

Going from $50K months to $150K months.

Having a $30K launch, a $64K launch or even a $192K launch. 

Making $50,000 without even having a sales page.

Signing a $90,000 client.

"Dustin's ability to help me immediately get out of my own way was the key to exploding my coaching business.  With her support as my mindset coach I went from stuck at $50K months to easily hitting $150K months!" - Jenni M. 

"I tend to get in my own head and feel like a Roomba stuck in a closet sometimes. Dustin has a way of helping you immediately remember who you are and get unstuck. It's magical.  She has helped me get out of my own head more times than I can count.  With her help, I tripled my income." - Katie J. 

Inside of this 3 day LIVE program (including a day of Q&A and hot seat coaching), I’m gonna help you get out of your head so you can start making way more money like, ASAP. 

I’m gonna help you: 

- ACTUALLY believe that your goals are 100 percent possible for you. Not kinda believe it or fake it til you make it believe it. Like, ACTUALLY believe it.

- get so confident in your offers and your price points that you can’t even imagine someone NOT wanting to join.

- get over your biggest fears, the ones you might not even be admitting to yourself let alone saying out loud (the fear of being seen, the fear of rejection, the fear of failing publicly, etc.)

- shut your inner mean girl right up (that little voice inside of your head talking big shit on you right to your face). 

- see that the things you think are the reason that people wouldn’t want to hire you are actually the reason that they DO.

- overcome your own BS and get rid of every single thing that’s getting in the way of what you want.

- silence those "what if" thoughts like... "what if it doesn't work?" or "what if no one buys?" or "what if I can't do it again?" 

- get rid of the self sabotaging thoughts that have you ready to slash your prices again. 

- see imposter syndrome coming a mile away and stop it in it's tracks because it's not invited to this money making party. 

You’re gonna leave locked the f*ck in and ready to kill it. 

I can’t wait! 

Here are all the deets 

 LIVE 3 day program (September 4th, 5th and 9th, don't worry if you can't make it live, you'll get the replay) 

1 day of Q&A/hot seat coaching (ask me anything and get my direct feedback/insight/coaching/support) 

It's DEEP, NEXT LEVEL mindset work. 

And it's going to be freaking EPIC.

Because strategy is king, but mindset is queen.  And we all know whose really running the show! 

Typically, my programs are a $1,000+ investment. 



Grab your spot now, and I can’t wait to see you inside!


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Get Out Of Your Head$47

  • Total payment
  • 1xGet Out Of Your Head$47

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